A Reflection for Friday, December 20, 2024 By Jillian Evans
Lectionary reading for 12/20/2024: Psalm 80:1-7; Isaiah 42:10-18; Hebrews 10:32-39
Selected passage for reflection: Hebrews 10:32-39
Hebrews 10:32-39 NIV
32 Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. 33 Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. 34 You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. 35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 37 For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” 38 And,“But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.” 39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.
On Sunday, March 7, 1965, known as Bloody Sunday, 25-year-old activist John Lewis led over 600 marchers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama and faced brutal attacks by oncoming state troopers. These people had been enduring the effects of Jim Crow laws and other forms of racial discrimination their whole lives. But on this day, they showed up knowing that there was a real possibility of violence against them. But they kept the faith and did not shrink back. The violence that ensued was captured by television crews and shown to the entire nation. The outrage for the treatment of Black citizens fighting for the right to vote swept across the nation. This event was followed by others that eventually led to Congress passing the Voters Rights Act. The protestors was publicly exposed to insult and persecution (v.33) but they did not shrink back.(v. 38-39) Instead, they persevered and received the reward they were fighting for in the end.
Preparing for the holidays can sometimes be difficult depending upon our situations. Have you ever felt that you were in a situation that hurt so much that it is difficult to see God’s will? Maybe you thought that the people around you had turned their backs on you. You may have felt publicly exposed because of your circumstances and therefore decided not to celebrate the birth of Christ. Today’s passage of scripture reminds us that our Christian walk does not make us immune to suffering. Instead, we are told to not shrink back and persevere using our faith. So if your situation is not ideal right now, don’t shrink back. Hold your head up, keep the faith, and know that His promises are coming.
In a few days, we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Rejoice and be glad! No matter what your circumstances dictate, enjoy the season in any way you can!
Dear God,
Thank you for creating me in your image. Thank you for giving the gift of Jesus. Thank you for the reminder that if we stay in Your will, your promises will come. Thank you for your grace and mercy as I walk through the tribulations of life. When I stumble and feel downtrodden, thank you Father for accepting me as I am and loving me always.
In Jesus Name, Amen
About the Author

Jillian Evans is a Spiritual Director in Chicago, Illinois. She is passionate about children’s ministry and has spent over half her life in ministry to children and their families. She and her husband are enjoying life as they help their three young adult children navigate life around the globe.
Oh this is so powerful! Thank you, Jillian, for these examples of faith. We can persevere. We can hold our heads up. We can move forward (or even stand still if necessary) in God's strength.