A Lent Reflection for Wednesday, March 15th
By Prophetess Lesley Morales
Lectionary reading: Psalm 81; Jeremiah 2:4-13; John 7:14-31, 37-39
Selected passage: John 7:37-39
John 7:37-39 NIV
On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.
Isn’t it just like Jesus, the gift, to offer yet and still this great gift to all who would come- in the form of this living water? These verses take place during the Feast of Tabernacles, the very celebration of the presence of God “tabernacling” or living very close quarters (tents/tabernacles) with the people of Israel many years prior. Jesus stood in the midst of the hustle and bustle and celebration and essentially said (and I paraphrase) “Yes! This celebration is great- we (Holy Trinity) did dwell with the Israelites in temporary tents of old, but I offer you my presence and Holy Spirit to dwell within YOU wherever you go right now.
Oftentimes we can get caught up in the tabernacling methods that fit the convenience of our schedules: “Come Father, Son, Holy Spirit… but only for about the 10-30 minutes I have to fit you into my schedule.” Jesus, is offering us His presence and Holy Spirit to not only dwell within us but to flow from within us at all times. Sometimes we can get so busy and tied up in celebrating the old and even the past victories with God (which should be celebrated) that we forget to hunger and thirst for more and make room to receive more of Him for His presence in our lives. We need the hunger for more of His presence to remind us that we need His presence or living water to flow into everything we do. If we are reminded even of the need our physical bodies have for literal water and the fact that without much of it our entire lives are at a deficit and even just a few without it we will not survive. This water that Jesus offers us- when we drink until we are full- our thirst is quenched because Holy Spirit is then able to dwell within us and flow out of us to others.
-How can you make intentional space and time today to allow the Spirit of God to flow from within you? (Would it be praying for someone else? Serving the homeless? Sharing what Holy Spirit has spoken to you to encourage, edify, or exhort someone else?)
-How can I receive more of Him? What does coming and drinking look like for you?
-Who else may be thirsty and also need a drink?
God, We are so grateful that you give us the best gifts! More of you is what we need. Lord, fill us up so that we can poured out like a drink offering as rivers of living water flow from us and then… fill us to overflow all over again. We celebrate you, we remember what you have already done and we are excited and expectant for what’s yet to come! Help us to always make room for you Holy Spirit in Jesus name. May the rivers of God flow from within us to this dry and weary land and it’s inhabitants. Amen
About the Author

Prophetess Lesley became acquainted with this living water at a young age. Lesley has been involved with the ministry for over 2 decades. As a worship leader and an artist, she has had the privilege over her time to tour, record, and sing background under both her given and artist names. She has been trained in the ministries of the prophetic, deliverance, healing, children, youth, and prayer. She is blessed to be the visionary of Secret Place Ministries, a parachurch ministry, ministering to the people of God across several cities and states. It is her desire and pleasure to see God “SET THE CAPTIVES FREE” according to Isaiah 61: 1-3 and use every tool possible to do
"How can I receive more of him?" This is a good question for me to consider today. Thank you for your words!